Prior to this post, there are a few things you should know about David and Amanda. In social situations, I like to be the rule breaker. Many's the time we've been walking across campus, and I'll start singing at the top of my lungs, or say something in a loud voice like "AMANDA I THOUGHT YOU HAD YOUR BOWEL PROBLEM UNDER CONTROL". Amanda's reaction is always priceless. She'll duck and run away, pretend she doesn't know me, or just get super red. I just laugh.
However, when it comes to breaking other rules- say trespassing- I stick to the line. I usually am super paranoid about ever doing anything even slightly illegal. Amanda is usually okay with things like that. For example, using a hot tub when you don't actually live at that apartment complex. Hot tubbing, prior to my time here at BYU, was an unknown and foreign concept to me. "Using someone else's hot tub? But you'd go to jail!" I think you get the gist. So there we were Friday night with not much to do, when Amanda says the dreaded words- "Lets go to Raintree and use their hot tub!"
For my reaction, see above picture.
I immediately pulled out all the classics. "Oh I'm really tired. I don't really feel like it. It's a little cold isn't it? Lets watch a movie! How bout we make out?" None of them worked. Amanda wasn't to be deterred. So we went over there, with me in a cold sweat the whole time, with the idea of jumping a fence paramount in illegality to stealing a car in my mind. I could already see the headlines: "Fiancees caught breaking into Raintree hot tub- death sentence expected" What would happen to all of our unborn little children? We were doomed. Finally, we were at Raintree. We went over to the gate and.... it was unlocked. So we walked right in and.... pretty much every other person in the hot tub didn't live there either.
In the end we had a great time. It was so warm, and later that night we made some homemade rootbeer and had some chocolate peanut butter bars.
Moral of the story? Amanda is a friggin hot sexy mama who is always right.
Guess who wrote that.
I'm pretty sure that you, David, wrote every single word of that post. And I would have to agree....well not with the mama part but I'm pretty sure when the times comes she will be. And she is ALWAYS right (wright) it comes with the name.